
Creed for CMU

The Central Methodist University community, consistent with its United Methodist heritage, strives for academic excellence, individual achievement, and social responsibility. As members of that community we believe in: 

seeking knowledge, truth, and wisdom 

  • Knowledge refers to the accumulation of facts or ideas. But mere knowledge of facts cannot inform us as to what constitutes the truth. To seek truth means to go beyond the simple facts; it requires that we recognize that facts alone cannot determine what is good or just, that we must be open to other ways of seeking and knowing truth. Habits of the mind should move us beyond knowledge towards wisdom, which requires an understanding that decisions and actions should be based on both knowledge and the will to do good. 

valuing freedom, honesty, civility, and diversity

  • For the academic enterprise to be successful there must be the free, open, and civil exchange of diverse ideas, opinions and information. Ideas and opinions must be shared and compared in order for the best to emerge. Learning is the heart of the academic enterprise and it is only possible when all parties assume the responsibilities appropriate to their roles. Academic integrity consists of the accurate depiction of the actual work or performance of any person. Academic integrity and academic honesty require that each person accept the obligation to be truthful in all academic endeavors. Civility is upholding the values of respect, kindness, and diplomacy in our direct and indirect interactions with others.   Diversity is recognizing differences between people and perceiving these differences as an asset to the community. 

living lives of service and leadership and 

  • The uniting of knowledge and active faith is a cornerstone of Wesleyan tradition. Academic excellence coupled with acts of kindness and service to the local and global community are indicators of character development on the CMU campus. There are many styles of leadership. Servant leadership, as exemplified in the life of Jesus, is a model for the CMU community.
taking responsibility for ourselves and the communities in which we live. 
  • Being a part of CMU affects not only ourselves, but also the community in which we live. We must all be responsible for our actions and their consequences, but we should also be dedicated to one another. As individuals and as a community we must demonstrate responsible life choices with a deep concern for the common good.