
Career Assistance

We encourage students to develop the "tools" needed to transition successfully from campus life to a professional career. We provide a variety of web-based career-exploration software on the Career Resources page of the Career Development Center website.

  • Sigi Plus: An educational and career-planning software that integrates self-assessment with in-depth and up-to-date career information.
  • O*Net: An online system that assesses your interests and abilities while providing a wealth of timely information about a variety of careers.
  • Major Resources: Valuable information on what to do with each major and linked career sites are provided.
  • Reference USA: A web-based company search system that has over 14 million U.S. businesses and provides descriptions, overviews, contact information, articles, and competitors.
  • Career 411: Podcasts by employers are available on the CMU iTunes University on a variety of subjects from "How to Network" to "Dress Smart."
  • Learning Express Library: A comprehensive resource that offers practice tests for Civil Service, Law Enforcement, Teaching, Graduate Entrance Exams, etc. Also available are current career information, resume writing guides, interviewing and networking advice.

Some of the resources available on the site stipulate that they are for residential students only. Please check the website before accessing the resource. Students at Park Hills and Union also may use Career Services of Mineral Area College and East Central College respectively.