
Requesting a CMU Transcript

The student's permanent record is confidential, and, by the terms of the Family Education Rights of Privacy Act, transcripts of the student's record are not issued except upon receipt of a signed request from the student. A fee of $7.50 is charged for each transcript. Electronic PDF is available for $9.25. Priority mailing for official transcripts is available for an additional $25.00 per address and FAX service for unofficial transcripts costs an additional $7.50 per transcript.

Official transcripts are issued directly to other schools, employers, official governmental agencies, or other persons or organizations entitled to receive an official statement of the student's record. Unofficial transcripts are issued to the student or parents.

No transcripts will be issued for any student or former student who is not financially in good standing with the University. Transcripts will not be issued to current students during the last two weeks of the term, until grades for that term are recorded.

To have a transcript issued, complete the online request form. For further information call the Registrar's Office at 660-248-6208.