
Refunds and Withdrawal

When the completed withdrawal form is filed, the University will adjust tuition in accordance with the following refund schedule:

Fall and Spring semesters (16-week)


Withdrawal first and second weeks

90% of tuition

Withdrawal third and fourth weeks

50% of tuition

Withdrawal fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth weeks

25% of tuition

After eighth week


14 Week Course


Withdrawal through Friday of 2nd week of class

90% of tuition

Withdrawal through Wednesday of 4th week of class

50% of tuition

Withdrawal through end of 7th week

25% of tuition

After eighth week


8 Week Course


Withdrawal first week

90% of tuition

Withdrawal second week

50% of tuition

Withdrawal third and fourth week

25% of tuition

After fourth week


4 Week Course


Withdrawal first through second day of class

90% of tuition

Withdrawal third through fifth day of class

50% of tuition

Withdrawal sixth through tenth day of class

25% of tuition

Withdrawal after 10th day of class


3 Week Course


Withdrawal first through second day of class

90% of tuition

Withdrawal third through fourth day of class

50% of tuition

Withdrawal fifth through eighth day of class

25% of tuition



Absence from class does not constitute withdrawal from the class or from Central Methodist University. Students who leave school without completing the withdrawal process will forfeit their claim to honorable dismissal and will receive a grade of "F" for all courses in progress. And honorable dismissal will be granted to all students who desire to withdraw from the University if they are in good academic standing, are not subject to discipline, have made satisfactory arrangements for settling their financial account, and file the completed withdrawal form. Students who withdraw from the University will receive grades for the courses in which they are registered according to the grading policies published in this catalog.

The University reserves the right to withdraw any student from one or more classes or from the University for academic misconduct, excessive absence, disruptive behavior, or other sufficient cause. Students who do not officially withdrawal or are administratively withdrawn from CMU may forfeit eligibility for a tuition refund. When students earn a zero grade point average (0.0 GPA) for a payment period, they are not eligible for a tuition refund despite the possibility that they may be subject to federal funds returns (See Return to Title IV Funds).

Withdrawal: Return of Unearned DoD TA Funds Policy

When the completed withdrawal form is filed, the University will adjust tuition in accordance with the following refund schedule for those receiving DoD TA funds:

Fall and Spring semesters (16-week)


Withdrawal first and second weeks

90% of tuition

Withdrawal third and fourth weeks

50% of tuition

Withdrawal fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth weeks

25% of tuition

Withdrawal ninth and tenth weeks

10% of tuition

After week ten


14 Week Course


Withdrawal through fourth day of second week

90% of tuition

Withdrawal through third day of forth week

50% of tuition

Withdrawal through end of 7th week

25% of tuition

Withdrawal through fourth day of ninth week

10% of tuition

After fourth day of week nine


8 Week Course


Withdrawal first week

90% of tuition

Withdrawal second week

50% of tuition

Withdrawal third and fourth week

25% of tuition

Withdrawal fifth week

10% of tuition

After week five


4 Week Course


Withdrawal first and second day of first week

90% of tuition

Withdrawal through first week

50% of tuition

Withdrawal through second week

25% of tuition

Withdrawal through third day of third week

10% of tuition

After third day of week three


3 Week Course


Withdrawal first and second day first week

90% of tuition

Withdrawal third and fourth day of first week

50% of tuition

Withdrawal through third day of second week

25% of tuition

Withdrawal through sixth day of second week

10% of tuition

After sixth day of week two


Correspondence Courses


Withdrawal up to completion of module 1

90% of tuition

Withdrawal up to completion of module 2

50% of tuition

Withdrawal up to completion of module 4

25% of tuition

Withdrawal up to completion of module 5

10% of tuition

Withdrawal beyond completion of module 5
