Undergraduate - Fayette

Scholarship and Financial Assistance

The Office of Financial Assistance endeavors to assist deserving students and their families by making it financially possible to attend Central Methodist University. Scholarship and grant funds are provided in part by the generous gifts of alumni, curators and friends of the University. State and federal student assistance programs are also used to assist students financially in attending CMU. The primary criterion for determining the amount of financial assistance a student is eligible to receive is financial need. It is the responsibility of the student and his or her family to fund the educational cost of attending college. In addition, many scholarships and grants are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, leadership, character, and talent.

All students receiving institutional financial aid are required to live on campus unless, before the first day of the semester's classes, they are [1] married, [2] the custodial parent of a minor child living with them, [3] over 21 years of age, [4] in their fifth year of college, or, [5] living with a parent in the parent's primary residence within 35 miles of Fayette. To receive institutional aid or the state need-based grant, a student must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate CLAS degree program. To receive the Federal Stafford Loan, a student must be enrolled at least half time. The number of hours enrolled determines the amount, if any, of the Federal Pell Grant. Federal Pell Grant awards are limited to twelve semesters (600% of eligibility). Subsidized Federal Stafford loans are limited to 150% of a student's published degree program length.

The renewal of academic scholarships is based on the student's cumulative grade point average. Renewal of athletic or talent scholarships requires that the student meet the participation criteria established by the Division Chair or Athletic Director or coach.

Students will not receive any financial assistance if they owe refunds on grants or are in default on a loan previously issued by Central Methodist University or another college, or are not maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of study they are pursuing according to the standards and practices of the University. Please refer to the section below on Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Financial Assistance Eligibility.

All funding is awarded in accordance with state and federal policies, and those policies set forth by the Enrollment Management Committee. Central Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual preference, religion, sex, national origin, age, or federally defined disability in its recruitment and admission of students. Concerns regarding financial aid should be filed first with the Director of Financial Assistance. Appeals may be made to the Vice-President of Finance and Administration.

Note: Effective Fall 2022, All institutional scholarships are used for tuition and fees except for Varsity Athletic Scholarships not to exceed Cost of Attendance.