Undergraduate - Statewide

NU480 Integrated Concepts in Adaptation Nursing

This course builds on the concepts of past nursing courses and allows the student the opportunity to apply these concepts through an individualized nursing practice under the supervision of a faculty advisor and a project mentor.? The student will be required to develop a specific set of learning objectives for the selected area of clinical practice. This flexible approach to learning allows the student the opportunity to develop expertise in a selected area of practice. Students must pass the practical, written, and oral components of this course to graduate. (3 hours of clinical project and 2 hours of didactic). Prerequisites: AH205 - Orientation to APA Format, AH300 - Professional Nursing Practice, AH305 - Adaptive Health and Assessment, AH316 - Data Analysis for Allied Health, AH317 - Health Professions Research, AH400 - Health Care Informatics, CMU103 - Orientation to CMU, NU320 - Adaptation Nursing in the Community, and NU455 - Professional Issues, Leadership, and Management. Additional Prerequisites / Conditions: Must earn a B to pass this course.
