Undergraduate - Statewide

Undergraduate Degree Program Model

The Values Statement, Mission Statement, and Educational Goals of Central Methodist University are pledges about the character of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the education it seeks to provide to all students. As these pledges make clear, the University understands education to be concerned with the formation of the self, not merely with providing information to an individual who is unchanged by it. Liberal education is formative as well as informative. At their best, both liberal arts education and education for professional preparation provide the intellectual knowledge, skills, and disciplines from which the student constructs his or her unique character as well as prepares for a career and for life.

The educational program described in the following pages is intended to fulfill the mission of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences by providing a curriculum that enables students to reach the Educational Goals of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences through acquiring the habits of mind, habits of heart, and habits of action that embody the good. The development of such habits requires both knowledge and mental discipline in many fields of study. Habits of mind should move beyond knowledge toward wisdom. And wisdom requires an understanding that decisions and actions should be based on both knowledge and the will to do the good. Our curriculum is designed to help students make responsible life choices with deep concern for the common good.