Undergraduate - Statewide

Maximum Financial Aid Eligibility

Students must complete a degree program within a time frame of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the degree program to receive Federal financial aid. All attempted, withdrawn, or transferred credits that apply to a student's degree program count toward the maximum time limit. For example, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training must complete 120 credit hours to meet the degree program requirements. The student may attempt up to 186 credit hours, after which time the student will be no longer be eligible for Federal financial aid.

Notice will be provided to students that have reached 100 percent of the published length of their degree program. Notice will be provided via email each time academic progress is reviewed until the student reaches 150 percent, at which time the student will no longer be eligible for Federal financial aid.

Correspondence Course Financial Assistance:

If a student is enrolled in a non-correspondence study program, but correspondence coursework is combined with regular coursework, the correspondence courses must meet the following criteria to be included in the student’s enrollment status:

  • The courses must apply toward the student’s degree or certificate or must be remedial work to help the student in his or her course of study.

  • The courses must be completed during the period required for the student’s regular coursework, e.g., a term.

  • The amount of correspondence work counted can’t be more than the number of credit-hours of regular coursework in which the student is enrolled (although a student taking at least a half-time load of correspondence courses must receive aid as at least a half-time student, regardless of the credit-hours of regular coursework).

Enrollment Status for Enrollment in Correspondence and Regular Coursework

 Regular Work

 Correspondence Work

 Adjusted Total Coursework

 Enrollment Status
















 Three-quarter time









This chart assumes that the school defines full-time enrollment as 12 credit-hours per term, and half-time enrollment as six credit-hours per term. As you can see in the second and third examples, the number of correspondence hours counted in the total course load was adjusted so that the correspondence hours never exceeded the regular hours taken. Note that in the last example, the student is eligible for payment based on half-time enrollment in correspondence courses, because not all of the correspondence work can be counted toward enrollment status.