Undergraduate - Statewide

General Education Requirements for Transfer Students

Students with a Bachelor's Degree

Students with a Bachelor’s Degree from another nationally accredited institution have met all General Education requirements but still must satisfy all university requirements, as well as course requirements for a program and/or degree.

When CMU accepts bachelor’s degrees from other nationally accredited institutions of higher learning, we honor the means by which those institutions granted credit (including credit granted by internal testing-out procedures, Advanced Placement scores, International Baccalaureate scores, CLEP scores, etc.). However, in the case of transfer, the institution reserves the right to review the courses accepted by the other institution to determine if it meets particular course or program requirements of Central Methodist University.

Students with an Associate's Degree

Students transferring to CMU with a post-1995 Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Arts in Teaching degree from a nationally accredited Missouri institution of higher education (or with a completed general education program consistent with the “CORE42” as outlined by the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development) have met all General Education requirements but still must satisfy all university requirements, as well as course requirements for a program and/or degree. Student are cautioned, however, that Associate of Arts coursework might not meet individual program requirements.

For more information on CORE42, see the section “General Education Transfer Policies” on the “General Education Requirements” page of the catalog.

When CMU accepts an associate level degree from other nationally accredited institutions of higher learning, we honor the means by which those institutions granted credit (including credit granted by internal test-out procedures, Advanced Placement scores, International Baccalaureate scores, CLEP scores, etc.). However, in the case of transfer, the institution reserves the right to review the courses accepted by the other institution to determine if it meets particular course or program requirements of Central Methodist University.


Transfer Policies

Transfer students may apply a maximum of four (4) hours of activity courses in Physical Education toward any degree.

CMU does not accept for transfer those courses in which failing grades (F) were received, nor withdrawn (W). Developmental courses (numbered below 100) are not transferred.

Any student who is classified as a visiting student or a non-degree seeking student will only have prerequisite courses verified but not transcripted.

Central Methodist University has a wide range of articulation agreements and transfer guides for partner institutions that may be found on CMU’s website. These agreements provide course level and program level information regarding transfer.