Undergraduate - Statewide

University Policy Statement

The University's governance is established to maintain wholesome condi­tions whereby students may develop intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Students are expected to conduct themselves as persons of good character. Regulations governing students are made by the faculty, students, and administration in order to clarify the standards of the institution and secure the cooperation of all who are involved. The student's registration each term constitutes the student's agreement to comply with all of the University's policies and regulations.

The University supports federal, state, and local laws and regulations relating to alcoholic beverages and controlled substances and will cooperate in the enforcement of these laws. In addition, the University specifically prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on the campus. Students who are on the campus under the influence of either alcohol or drugs are subject to disciplinary action. Gambling, hazing, and immoral practices are forbidden. Students who bring discredit to the University are subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Students are expected to adhere to all policies related to data, voice, and video transmissions.

Students may be removed from one or more classes, assigned failing grades, placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed for any infraction of University regulations or for other serious misconduct. Students may be suspended or dismissed from the University when their conduct becomes injurious to the reputation of the University, or when their behavior or actions are harmful, or potentially harmful, to themselves or a threat to other individuals within the University community. When students are placed on conduct probation, they are ineligible to represent the University in extracurricular activities and their guardian or parents are notified. Students should consult the Student Handbook for further information on the University's policies and disciplinary procedures regarding residence halls, student activities, and other specific areas of student life.