Undergraduate - Fayette

Academic Advising

Students at CMU quickly develop personal relationships with their instructors. Through these relationships, faculty and students explore a wide range of academic and personal matters both in the classroom and through informal conferences and conversations. The faculty and administration also provide a well-structured program of student advising for each student. This program begins before students enroll through their assignment to a faculty or staff advisor on the basis of admissions information. Advisors assist students in planning their academic work and in managing problems in their college careers. As early as possible, students are assigned, or choose, advisors according to academic interest or choice of major. Students may change their faculty advisor at any time by making a formal request in the Registrar's Office. The faculty advisors, the staff of the Registrar's Office, the Associate Dean, and the Dean of the University will do all they can to assist students in interpreting degree requirements, in determining which requirements have or have not been met, and in developing plans to meet degree requirements. However, the University believes that each student's education belongs uniquely to the student.

The University holds each student to be finally responsible for being fully informed about the graduation requirements for his or her own degree program and for arranging academic schedules to meet graduation requirements on the timetable the student establishes. Faculty advisors will do all they can through the advising processes to assist students in meeting their educational goals.

The University also keeps students informed of their academic progress by sending students and their advisors (1) warning of unsatisfactory grades after the first month of classes are posted online, (2) mid-semester grade reports (posted on-line), and (3) final grade reports each term (posted on-line).