Undergraduate - Fayette

Cooperative Programs

As a result of cooperative programs entered into by Central Methodist University and selected schools, it is possible for students to complete their BA or BS degrees and then advance their studies in engineering, law, and medicine.. These Cooperative Programs are referred to as the Accelerated MBA Program (Rockhurst University), Accelerated MBA (Maryville University),programs in Engineering (Missouri University of Science and Technology), the "3-3" program in Law (University of Missouri), the "3-4" KCUMB Partners Program in Osteopathic Medicine, and the Military Science Program (University of Missouri).

Accelerated MBA Program

Upon completion of an undergraduate degree from CMU, students are eligible to enter Rockhurst University's Accelerated Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program. To be eligible, students' CMU undergraduate degrees must have included courses equivalent to and satisfying requirements for Rockhurst's Business minor; student also must satisfy requirements for admission to Rockhurst's MBA program, to include the appropriate GMAT score, as determined by Rockhurst University. Upon admission, students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of graduate Business courses beyond the Business minor or equivalent. CMU graduates must begin this MBA program within one year of completing their undergraduate degrees, and they must complete the Accelerated MBA Program within three years of receiving their undergraduate degree.

"2-2" Program in Engineering

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has a transfer agreement with the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla for Engineering students. After two years of course work at CMU, students may transfer directly into the Junior year at Rolla. Consult with the Chair of the Division of Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science for further information.

"3-2" Program in Engineering

This program enables a student to obtain a BS degree from CMU and a BS degree in Engineering from the second school in five years. Students attend CMU for three years and then transfer to the engineering school. After one year of engineering studies which fulfills the requirements for the BS degree, students will request a transcript to be sent to CMU in order for the BS degree to be conferred. Then, after two years of engineering studies which fulfill the requirements for the engineering degree, the student will be awarded a BS in Engineering by the engineering school. In certain instances, additional summer sessions may be necessary to complete requirements for the engineering degree. Combined programs in engineering have been formalized between CMU and Missouri University of Science and Technology at Rolla. Arrangements with other schools are also possible. Consult with the Chair of the Division of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science for further information.

"3-3" Program in Law

CMU pre-law students are eligible to apply for the University of Missouri's 3-3 Program in Law. This program, administered by the School of Law of the University of Missouri, is for exceptional students. Undergraduate students who wish to pursue this course to law school complete all general education requirements for their bachelor's degree during their first six semesters at CMU and apply for admission to the University of Missouri during their third year of undergraduate study. CMU pre-law students who enter MU Law School through this program will qualify to earn their baccalaureate degree by transferring appropriate hours of credits from the Law School to meet remaining graduation require­ments at CMU. (Note that the University of Missouri suggests that most students will be best served by obtaining their bachelor's degree prior to entering MU Law School.) Please consult with Dr. John Carter, Director of the Pre-law Program and Professor of Political Science, for further information.

"3-4" Partners Program in Osteopathic Medicine

This program enables students to apply to Kansas City University (KCU) College of Osteopathic Medicine Partners Program in the fall of their sophomore year. Students are first interviewed by a CMU committee, and if they are approved the students then apply to and interview at KCU. If accepted, they may complete all CMU general education requirements for the program in three years. During the summer after the sophomore year, the student must complete a five-day med-prep course at KCUMB. The MCAT, normally required for admission to KCUMB, is not required of students applying through our Partners Program. Students matriculate at KCUMB as full-time first-year students following their Junior year at CMU. They receive their bachelor's degree from CMU following successful completion of their first-year at KCUMB. Consult the pre-med advisor Dr. Anna Slusarz for specific requirements of this program.

Accelerated MBA Program with Maryville University

The Accelerated MBA program with Maryville University is open to students with junior standing, a 3.3 undergraduate GPA, and who are admitted to the MBA program by Maryville University. Students are able to enroll in six hours of undergraduate coursework at CMU that will count toward the MBA and to also enroll in six hours of coursework from Maryville University's MBA that will count toward the undergraduate degree program at CMU. For additional information contact the Business, Accounting and Economics division.

The Military Science Program

The College has cooperative arrangements with the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force which allows students to enroll in Military Science courses offered at the University of Missouri-Columbia. This program allows students to qualify for commission as second lieutenants by the end of their Senior year. Military Science classroom instruction is provided on campus or at the University of Missouri-Columbia, while the leadership labs are conducted at the University of Missouri-Columbia in conjunction with the Cadet Corps. Students are expected to maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 to remain in the ROTC program. Various scholarships are available for CMU students. For more information, contact Capt. Shane Parks, U.S. Army National Guard and CMU's ROTC coordinator, at ROTC@centralmethodist.edu. For additional information, consult the Military Science section of this catalog.